Darth Revan

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Sechs neue Hot Toys Star Wars Sixth Scale Figuren angekündigt
Hersteller Hot Toys hat in der vergangenen Woche insgesamt sechs verschiedene neue Star Wars 1/6th Scale Figuren für diverse Unterreihen vorgestellt. Drei davon erscheinen sogar noch dieses Jahr.

"In Star Wars™ legends, Revan who was once a Jedi turned his back on the Jedi Order and became an enigmatic Sith Dark Lord, forming a Sith Empire that waged war against the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic. Ever since the character’s first introduction, many fans were captivated by Revan and his story. Today, Hot Toys is excited to officially introduce the highly anticipated 1/6th scale Darth Revan™ collectible figure! The greatly detailed collectible figure features skillfully developed helmet and armor, specially tailored hooded costume, two LED light-up Lightsabers™ powered by USB, and a display base! The SPECIAL EDITION available in selected markets, comes with a Darth Revan commemorative coin to enhance your collecting experience! In addition, this coin will have a unique style that is exclusive to those who pre-order this figure at Hot Toys x “Star Wars: The Power of The Dark Side” exhibition in Hong Kong. Give in to the dark side and have this amazing collectible figure in your Star Wars display!"

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