Beim Händler Gamestop sind auf der amerikanischen Website heute gleich drei Gentle Giant Star Wars Classic Busts als Exclusives gelistet worden. Bei den drei Büsten handelt es sich um Boba Fett, einen TIE Fighter Piloten und einen Stormtrooper.

Die Gentle Giant Star Wars Classic Busts werden allesamt im Maßstab 1:6 gefertigt, sind somit ca. 18 Zentimeter groß und sind für jeweils $79.99 zu haben. Während die Stormtrooper Büste sogar schon auf Lager ist, werden Boba Fett und der TIE Fighter Pilot im Dezember erscheinen.

Hier nun die entsprechenden Bilder samt dazugehörigem Pressetext:

Gentle Giant Stormtrooper Classic Bust

With ties that go all the way back to the Super Commandos of Mandalor, the Stormtrooper legions have struck terror in the many beings throughout the Star Wars Galaxy. Lead by Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine, these white armor clad troopers have helped the Empire gain strength for many years leading up to the ultimate demise of Palpatine, which they seemingly survived as well.

Depicted as the Stormtroopers appear in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the Gentle Giant Ltd. 1:6 Stormtroper Classic Bust combines the timeless aesthetics of sculpture from Greek and Roman antiquity, with one of popular cultures most recognizable characters

Each limited edition hand-painted polyresin bust comes individually numbered and is paired with a matching certificate of authenticity.

Gentle Giant Boba Fett Classic Bust

Boba Fett is the most notorious and feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. He accepts commissions, at exorbitant rates, from both Jabba the Hutt and Darth Vader to hunt down Han Solo. His suit of Mandalorian battle armor includes wrist lasers, a jet pack, rocket darts, a grappling lanyard, and a miniature flame projector. He carries a short-barreled BlasTech EE-3 rifle and a concussion grenade launcher in his holster.

Depicted as he appears in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the Gentle Giant Ltd. 1:6 Boba Fett Classic Bust combines the timeless aesthetics of sculpture from Greek and Roman antiquity, with one of popular cultures most recognizable bounty hunter.

Gentle Giant TIE Fighter Pilot Classic Bust

Imperial pilots relied on lightning-quick reflexes and fearlessness to survive tours of duty against the Empire’s enemies, as TIE fighters were lightly armored and lacked shields. Only the very best pilots earned their wings as fighter aces.

Depicted as they appear in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the Gentle Giant Ltd. 1:6 scale TIE Fighter Pilot Classic Bust combines the timeless aesthetics of sculpture from Greek and Roman antiquity, with one of popular cultures most recognizable characters.

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