ARC Trooper Fives

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Hot Toys kündigt neue ARC Trooper Fives & Echo 1/6th Scale Figuren an
Hot Toys hat vor einigen Tagen zwei neue 1/6th Scale Actionfiguren aus der beliebten Animationsserie Star Wars: The Clone Wars angekündigt. Die Figuren repräsentieren die bekannten ARC Trooper Fives und ARC Trooper Echo und sind ab sofort vorbestellbar.

"Also known as CT-27-5555, Fives trained with Domino Squad on Kamino before being shipped out to the Rishi Moon listening outpost. He survived the Separatist attack on the station there, and was transferred to the 501st Legion alongside his squadmate and fellow survivor, Echo. Fives and Echo were promoted to ARC trooper status after the defense of Kamino from Separatist invaders. He and Echo were later assigned with the difficult mission of freeing Republic prisoners from the daunting Citadel prison installation on Lola Sayu. He and Echo were later part of a mission to free Republic prisoners from the Separatist prison called the Citadel. Echo fell in battle, leaving Fives as Domino Squad’s sole survivor. Fives accompanied the clone trooper Tup to Kamino for medical testing, where he discovered a terrifying secret about the clones’ origins and ultimate purpose. Hot Toys is excited to introduce today, the new 1/6th scale collectible figure of ARC Trooper Fives! The highly-detailed collectible figure is specially crafted based on the appearance of Fives in the Clone Trooper Phase II armor. It features skillfully developed helmet and armor with unique markings and weathering effects, a newly crafted interchangeable head sculpt with amazing likeness, tailored outfit with kama skirt, a rocket launcher, a blaster rifle, a pair of blaster pistols, a backpack and a display base!"

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