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Zusätzliche Informationen:

"Unlike the spindly battle droids, whose humanoid builds allow them a degree of versatility, droidekas are designed with one sole function in mind: the complete annihilation of their targets. Slung at the end of heavy arms are immense twin blasters, which unleash destructive energy at a pounding pace. The destroyer droid can completely envelope itself in a globe of protective energy via its compact deflector shield generators, though at the expense of its mobility. Although slow and awkward on its three-legged gait, the droideka can transform into a much speedier, disk-shaped form. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Hot Toys is pleased to present the brand new 1/6th scale collectible figure of the Droideka destroyer droid! The 1/6th scale collectible figure features highly detailed mechanical structure with exceptional articulations, skillfully applied metallic paint applications, and ability to transform into the disk-shaped form! This amazing droid will be an extraordinary collectible to add into your Star Wars™ display!"

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