Der brasilianische Hersteller Iron Studios hat Ende der vergangenen Woche eine brandneue Star Wars-Statue für die sogenannte Legacy Replica-Reihe veröffentlicht – The Mandalorian und The Child im großen Maßstab 1:4.
Die schicke Resin-Statue zeigt beide Protagonisten auf einer schicken Base mit dem bekannten Schlammhorn-Siegel und ist insgesamt ca. 57 Zentimeter groß und wiegt satte 6,8 Kilogramm.
Die dynamische Pose von Din Djarin sowie Grogu in seiner schwebenden Wiege machen zusammen mit dem Stormtrooper-Helm einen sehr schönen Eindruck, den sich die Brasilianer aber auch Einiges kosten lassen.
Die Neuankündigung kostet stolze 749.99 USD und kann aktuell über die Facebook-Seite des Herstellers angefragt werden. Da Iron Studios leider keine Lizenz zum weltweiten Vertrieb besitzt, wird die Mandalorian & Child-Statue nur in einigen, bisher nicht benannten Regionen verfügbar sein. Wer ein Exemplar erwerben möchte, kann derzeit über ein Google-Formular anfragen. Alle Infos findet ihr im entsprechenden Facebook-Post des Herstellers.
The beloved Lone Gunman and his Star Wars Baby in one more work by Iron Studios!
Walking on a base in the arid terrain of Nevarro, Mando, a lone Mandalorian bounty hunter, walks protected by his beskar armor, a rare and valuable metal that resists even to lightsaber attacks, forged by a mandalorian blacksmith, qualified in a ritual way, and carrying his deadly Rifle Amban on his back, a powerful weapon capable of vaporizing his targets. Ignoring the helmet of a Stormtrooper lying at his feet, indicating the fall of the once powerful Empire, he follows next to a floating cradle where his protégé is, the mysterious child known as Grogu, who apparently looks like the legendary Jedi master Yoda with the appearance of a baby, and has a strong connection with the Force as well. These captivating characters from the hit series The Mandalorian are among the newest works by Iron Studios unveiled at the Inside Iron Studios virtual event at CCXP Worlds 2020, with the fantastic “The Mandalorian and The Child Legacy Replica 1/4 – The Mandalorian – Iron Studios”.
Derived from the Star Wars franchise, The Mandalorian is a type of space western, which is shown on the streaming service Disney +, already with two full seasons, and is set between the fall of the Empire, after episode VI, and the emergence of the New Order, which was presented in episode VII in theaters. Created by Jon Favreau, actor, director and screenwriter, who is responsible for works like the Iron Man trilogy in theaters, the series presents the saga of a bounty hunter acting as a hero, albeit reluctantly, protecting an apparent fragile creature, who should be his target, and together they are pursued by various forces from the fallen Empire and bounty hunters who seek to capture Grogu, the child who was affectionately dubbed by the public as Baby Yoda.
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