Auch der japanische Hersteller Kotobukiya hat sich am gestrigen Star Wars-Day mit ein paar Neuankündigungen beteiligt. Für die ArtFX+-Reihe wurden Captain Rex und Commander Cody im Maßstab 1:10 vorgestellt.
Die beiden basieren auf The Clone Wars und erscheinen anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Clone Wars-Zeichentrickserie. Sie haben hierzulande einen empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von jeweils 144,99 EUR und sollen bereits im Oktober 2023 erscheinen.
Als Bonus gibt es eine sogenannte „Build-A-Figure“ Yoda-Figur dazu, wenn man beide Klone erwirbt. Bei Captain Rex ist nämlich eine zusätzliche Base samt Yoda-Beinen im Lieferumfang enthalten, während dem Cody der Rumpf samt Kopf von Yoda beiliegt. Zusammen ergeben die beiden Teile eine schicke Yoda-Figur, die sonst so nicht erhältlich ist. Das Ganze sieht dann so aus:
Genau so wurde es übrigens bereits im vergangenen Jahr bei Anakin und Obi-Wan gemacht. Wenn man beide kauft, gibt es eine Ahsoka-Figur dazu.
Hier nun alle Bilder, die Pressetexte und die Seiten aus dem Collector’s Guide.
„To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ animated series, streaming now on Disney+, Kotobukiya is excited to announce a special, limited reoffering of ARTFX+ Captain Rex™! One of the original Star Wars™ ARTFX+ releases, it’s been over a decade since Captain Rex was available at retailers. As a special bonus this rerelease will include the first half (the other half is included with ARTFX+ Commander Cody™, sold separately) to build an ARTFX+ Jedi™ Master Yoda™!
Clone CT-7567 (known as Rex) served the Republic during the Clone Wars, taking direct orders from Anakin Skywalker™ and Ahsoka Tano™. Proficient at using two blaster pistols at the same time, identifiable by his customized armor with blue markings, Rex was a dedicated soldier who always completed his mission. Posed in a battle-ready stance with his twin blasters, Rex includes magnets in his feet allowing for various positions on the included steel-plated base.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to acquire this special reissue of the ARTFX+ Captain Rex. Display him along with ARTFX+ Commander Cody, Anakin Skywalker™, Obi-Wan Kenobi™, Ahsoka Tano™ and Master Yoda™ for the ultimate Clone Wars display!“
„To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ animated series, streaming now on Disney+, Kotobukiya is excited to announce a special, limited reoffering of ARTFX+ Commander Cody™! One of the original Star Wars ARTFX+ releases, it’s been over a decade since Commander Cody was available at retailers. As a special bonus this rerelease will include the second half (the first half is included with ARTFX+ Captain Rex™, sold separately) to build an ARTFX+ Jedi™ Master Yoda™!
Clone CC-2224 (known as Cody) was a natural leader and found himself in the presence of General Kenobi™, who he earned his respect for, during multiple battlefield skirmishes. Posed in a battle-ready stance with blaster rifle drawn, Cody includes magnets in his feet allowing for various positions on the included steel-plated base.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to acquire this special reissue of the ARTFX+ Commander Cody. Display him along with ARTFX+ Captain Rex™, Anakin Skywalker™, Obi-Wan Kenobi™, Ahsoka Tano™ and Master Yoda™ for the ultimate Clone Wars display!“
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Bildquelle: Kotobukiya Pressemitteilung