Vor wenigen Wochen wurden während der San Diego Comic Con einige bis dato unbekannte Collectibles des amerikanischen Herstellers Gentle Giant vorgestellt. Eines davon war die neue Dengar Collector’s Gallery Statue im Maßstab 1:8, zu der in der vergangenen Nacht die Vorbestellung freigegeben wurde.
Kopfgeldjäger Dengar ist bereits die zwölfte Veröffentlichung für die noch relativ neue Collector’s Gallery Statues-Reihe im Maßstab 1:8 und soll im ersten Quartal 2019 erscheinen. Im Onlineshop des Herstellers wird die Neuankündigung aktuell für $179.99 angeboten. Sobald die offiziellen Angaben für den deutschsprachigen Raum vorliegen, findet ihr die Info im Collectors Guide. Erfahrungsgemäß kann man jedoch von einem empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von ungefähr 200 € ausgehen.
Dengar is an effective bounty hunter. While some hunters prided themselves on finesse and style, Dengar preferred firepower and destruction to capture his targets. Boba Fett enjoyed working with Dengar and held him in high regard due to his proven record of accomplishment in hunting down prey.
In Gentle Giant LTD’s newest Collector’s Gallery statue, we see a battle-hardened Dengar guarding a supply crate full of additional firepower with his trusty Valken-38 carbine rifle in hand. Hossing all of that heavy firepower from one end of the quadrant to the next has taken its toll but it has been worth it to establish his reputation as one of the best hunters in the galaxy. Dengar has seen it all and has lived to tell the tale; you can see every bounty etched into his face, every struggle to capture his prisoner scratched into his armor. He missed the bounty for Solo, but he has gone back to his armory to reload and he will get his next mark… dead or alive.
Dengar is the sixth statue in Bounty Hunter 1:8th Collector’s Gallery line celebrating over 40 years of the Star Wars universe. Each limited edition, hand-painted piece is layered in character detail and is cast in high quality polyresin with crisp, screen accurate details. This statue also comes individually numbered with a matching Certificate of Authenticity.
Die wichtigsten Informationen zu allen bisher veröffentlichten Gentle Giant Star Wars Collector’s Gallery Statues erhaltet ihr kurz und knapp in unserem Collectors Guide.