Hersteller Hasbro hat am vergangenen Freitag den sogenannten „Fan First Friday“ ins Leben gerufen. Dabei werden ab sofort jeden Freitag brandneue, aufregende oder witzige Ankündigungen aus allen Lizenzen und Themenbereichen des Herstellers in den sozialen Netzwerken veröffentlicht.


Mit diesem Instagram-Post am vergangenen Freitag wurde die „Fan First Friday“-Aktion gestartet.


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Happy Friday, Hasbro Pulse fans! It’s our favorite day of the week and we are celebrating by sharing something we’re pumped to try out with you: Hasbro Pulse Fan First Fridays! What does this mean, you ask? It means that every Friday moving forward, we’ll be sharing something fun, new, and exciting about some of your favorite brands, like profiles of the talented artists behind our packaging, Q&A’s with brand teams, and even some unique video content that brings you behind the scenes of the making of your favorite products. Heck! There may even be fresh reveals or perhaps a pre-order or two (or three). Today we’re kicking off Fan First Friday by giving you a first look at some of the packaging of the recently revealed Star Wars figures, so stay tuned! As fans ourselves, we’re excited to share more of the awesomeness that happens here at Hasbro Pulse and give everyone another reason to look forward to Friday. That’s it for now! Hasbro Pulse – rolling out! #HasbroPulse #Hasbro #Pulse #FanFirstFriday #FanFirstFridays #FanFriday #FanFridays

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Und natürlich wurden mit dem ersten Beitrag unter dem Hashtag #fanfirstfriday zu allererst die Star Wars-Fans bedient. Für die beliebte 3.75″ The Vintage Collection wurden die bisher unbekannten Karten-Designs für insgesamt drei Neuankündigungen veröffentlicht – den Power Droid, Clone Commander Wolffe und K-2SO.


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Let’s premiere this #FanFirstFriday by revealing the newest Star Wars The Vintage Collection packaging and dropping some fun factoids! . >> Did you know the original Power Droid action figure that came with this card back in 1979 was not movie accurate? This is the first time this card will come with an accurate, movie-inspired figure. . >> Custom art was created for a photo real version of Commander Wolffe to be used as the filmout for the front of this card back. . >> This is K-2SO’s first time being featured on Vintage card back and is the first Star Wars Rogue One figure to be released in The Vintage Collection in more than a year. These Star Wars The Vintage Collection figures: Power Droid, Clone Commander Wolffe, and K-2SO are all available for pre-order now on #HasbroPulse – Each sold separately. Subject to availability.

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Laut Hasbropulse.com werden die drei Neuankündigungen frühestens im August dieses Jahres erhältlich sein. Der Power Droid den aktuellen Angaben zufolge sogar erst im Oktober.

Nachfolgend findet ihr noch einmal alle bisher verfügbaren Bilder sowie die wichtigsten Infos zu jeder einzelnen Figur.

Hasbro The Vintage Collection 3.75″ K-2SO

Hasbro The Vintage Collection 3.75″ Clone Commander Wolffe

Hasbro The Vintage Collection 3.75″ Power Droid

  • Release: Oktober 2020
  • UVP: 21,99 €
  • Shopping: Amazon | Zavvi

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Bildquelle: https://www.instagram.com/hasbropulse/

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