Kurz nach dem schicken Dark Trooper für die Art Scale Series stellte der brasilianische Hersteller Iron Studios an diesem Wochenende eine weitere Neuankündigung im passenden Maßstab 1:10 vor – eine Mandalorian on Speeder Bike Deluxe-Statue. Nachfolgend haben wir euch kurz die wichtigsten Infos und alle verfügbaren Bilder zusammengestellt.


Wie im Pressetext zu lesen, basiert die neue Deluxe-Statue auf der neunten Folge der zweiten Staffel der Erfolgsserie und zeigt Din Djarin auf seinem Speeder Bike mit Grogu und Boba Fett’s Rüstung im Gepäck, wie er sich zurück auf den Weg zur Razor Crest macht. Die beeindruckende Neuankündigung hat in den USA einen empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von 319.99 USD und wird voraussichtlich zwischen Juli und September des kommenden Jahres erscheinen.

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Riding a speeder bike, thus raising a cloud of dust, the Mandalorian bounty hunter crosses the arid desert of the planet Tatooine carrying in his luggage the recovered armor, helmet, and jetpack, that once belonged to another legendary hunter, the feared and iconic Boba Fett. They are attached to the outer left and rear parts of the vehicle. Inside a bag, attached to the back of the Speeder, is little Grogu (Baby Yoda), the child that Mando protects and who is apparently enjoying the high speed. Faithfully portrayed on both the speeder bike and the characters, Iron Studios presents its statue „The Mandalorian on Speederbike Deluxe Art Scale 1:10 – The Mandalorian“, inspired by a scene from Chapter 09: The Marshal, from the first season of The Mandalorian series.

With the mission to deliver Grogu to his people, the Jedi, the bounty hunter, Din Djarin, also known as Mando, goes on a search for other Mandalorians, as he believes they will be able to help him. In the small town of Mos Pelgo, on Tatooine, he meets the local sheriff named Cobb Vanth. The sheriff wears the legendary Boba Fett’s armor, purchased from Jawas collectors in the desert, and in exchange for Vanth’s armor, Mando agrees to help kill a Krayt dragon, an underground creature that attacks the local population. After killing the monster and retrieving Fett’s armor, Din Djarin resumes his mission.

Another emblematic statue in Deluxe format from The Mandalorian line by Iron Studios and already available for Pre-Order, featuring the two most beloved protagonists of the series, in one of the most emblematic vehicles of the Star Wars saga, adding to the collection that brings other pieces already revealed and derived from the most striking scenes, with its main characters from a galaxy far, far away.

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Bildquelle: sideshow.com/collectibles/star-wars-the-mandalorian-on-speederbike-deluxe-iron-studios-909130

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